The end of the year is a good time to look back over a project – and certainly a lot has happened down Glen Goyle during the last twelve months.

The summer 2024 newsletter looked at the several visitations to the Glen over the busiest months – and FOGG’s 2024 report at the VGS’s AGM gives a very handy overview of what the working party have been up to over the year. Here’s the report’s generous closing remark:
“All in all, a year in which we have continued to make progress, but not without its frustrations. The volunteers would like to thank Vision Group of Sidmouth for supporting us with a wonderful website, insurance, and project liaison. Thank you!”
Looking at ‘progress’, to take one example, whilst it’s not actually the job of volunteers from the FOGG working party to ‘keep the highways clean’ along Glen Goyle, they have nevertheless kept themselves busy over the year with clearing paths of overgrowth, especially the rampant bramble.

A big success story has been the Glen getting some new benches – now available as memorial benches, this ‘modern twist on a traditional bench’ looks stunning in their cosy alcoves.

It’s been great to welcome new volunteers – joining the already very friendly and cohesive FOGG working party. And they are kept busy – whether with the joy of composting [there are seven bags full pictured above], discovering all sorts of self-seeded things [for example, ‘Tower of Jewels’ plantlings] or simply doing a bit of pottering along the Glen.

But one of the biggest achievements this year, following from a visit by Britain in Bloom judges in the summer, was the awarding of an RHS “It’s Your Neighbourhood” Outstanding Award for the Friends of Glen Goyle – together with “a glowing report from the judge/assessor, with feedback concerning areas for development”
Congratulations to members of the FOGG working party!

It has been a real pleasure to follow the pictorial record of the progress of the seasons along Glen Goyle, made by the volunteers of the working party, whether the last of the late summer sun or early autumn rivulets along the Glen.
All of which shows the Glen as “a hidden gem” in the heart of town.

The camera has certainly captured the vibrancy of the park and gardens, from beautiful fungi to the glorious splash of Glen Goyle colour and wonderful autumn leaves along the Glen.
Finally, the FOGG report to the VGS AGM also spoke of the ‘frustrations’ facing the group – and indeed, the working party has been pushing for progress along the Glen for much of the year – with some successes, but not everywhere.

The most significant area which has frustrated volunteers has been the lack of progress over ‘paths’ – as making access easy and safe along the Glen has become a priority if not a necessity – whether about reinstating the Glen Road path or making the current path safe. As said recently:
“Since their inception, the Friends of Glen Goyle have been very keen to make this lovely corner of Sidmouth as accessible as possible to all. Indeed, we would all like to be able to walk through the Glen without worrying about tripping over or obstacles such as steep gradients or steps.”
Finally then, a huge thank you to the volunteers for all their efforts – carrying on regardless!
Here’s wishing everyone, from working party members to supporters across the Sid Valley and well beyond, a Festive Season full of colour and a very happy New Year!