One of the first plantings by the FOGG has been a Crinodendron hookerianum. Donated in February 2021 by Ed Dolphin, he says:
I thought it would be perfect for the Goyle for three reasons, its beautiful flowers are great for bees, it is suited to the setting, and it is a Veitch original courtesy of William Lobb, see extract from Hortus Veitchii below.
“This much-named plant (six different Latin names are listed from various Victorian dates) is a beautiful greenhouse shrub with evergreen leaves and drooping urn-shaped flowers of a brilliant scarlet colour. A native of Chili in the Province of Valdivia, and of the island of Chiloe, introduced through William Lobb in 1848, and successively re-introduced by Downton and Pearce. Though rarely met with, an attractive plant, not difficult to cultivate if planted in a peaty soil in a cool greenhouse or in the open in the favoured counties of Devon and Cornwall.”
Full text of “Hortus Veitchii : a history of the rise and progress of the nurseries of Messrs. James Veitch and sons, together with an account of the botanical collectors and hybridists employed by them and a list of the most remarkable of their introductions”
With a little more from Wikipedia:
Crinodendron hookerianum was introduced into cultivation in the U.K. by Cornish plant collector William Lobb for Veitch Nurseries of Exeter in 1848.[7] Its flowers make it a highly valued ornamental shrub or small tree, and it has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit
Crinodendron hookerianum – Wikipedia
The Chilean Lantern Tree forms part of the logo of the Friends of Glen Goyle:

With thanks to Ed Dolphin:
There is a Handkerchief Tree, Davidia involucrata, in the Glen; the story of its Veitch link is on the Kew website.
Davidia involucrata Baill. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
William Lobb sent seeds of Western Red Cedar (at the southern end of the lawn area) to Veitch in 1853.
John Gould Veitch returned seeds of Acer palmatum varieties (possibly the tree on the eastern side of the lawn) in 1877.
Finally, there should be a Berberis darwinii in the Glen.
Extract from Hortus Veitchii (1907):
First discovered by the celebrated Charles Darwin, and named in compliment to him.
Probably the best known, if not the most beautiful, of all the species of Berberis at present in cultivation, introduced by William Lobb in 1849 from Chiloe, an island off the south coast of Chili.
The neat glossy foliage and rich golden-yellow flowers beautifully tinged with red are borne indense profusion in early spring. A writer in the Gardeners’ Chronicle (I.e. supra) states : ” If Messrs. Veitch had done nothing else towards beautifying our gardens, the introduction of this single species would be enough to earn the gratitude of the whole gardening world.”