It was very busy along the Glen for this week’s working party – as reported by FOGG volunteer Phil Lee:
Over the course of the morning, seven volunteers, keeping an eye on the impending inclement weather, got to work on a number of tasks. Our main effort was in tidying up the area to the north of the lawn, on the boundary of Glen Road. We decided to leave a number of plant species (weeds) insitu for the time being, and until we have the requisite plants available to cover the area. Better, we think, to have ‘weeds’ than nothing at all. Down in the river-walk more selected laurel was removed. In places, it is too high, creating a ‘dead zone’ below. We were sure to leave lower parts of the bushes, which will grow much more healthily. Richard worked tirelessly on the three-cornered-leak removal. If ever he wins the battle, he will be at a very loose end.
We had two dumpy bags. That is not enough. We need six minimum, being emptied every week. They are so useful as they can be taken to the place of work, and filled directly.
Camellias continue to flower. And early flowers from our thousands of bulbs, suggest that soon, the borders could be a riot of colour.
Once again, we received favourable comments from people enjoying and appreciating Glen Goyle. But the dangerous roots on the path leading down to the bridge were mentioned yet again.
And here are Phil’s fantastic photos from the morning: