This week’s report from the Thursday volunteers is from FOGG working party member John Hopkins:
The much needed rain has arrived to the Goyle after a dry February and it’s been a busy week.
Three of us met with Ed Dolphin on Monday and Ed was delighted with a location suggested for his proposed fernery and with our progress. We will follow his guidance on this. See picture.
Today, Thursday, four of us continued bagging up material from the lawn spoil heap ready for removal and sorting larger branches for either chipping or cutting up into short lengths to form bug friendly stacks.
John McGregor popped in with chocolate birthday cake which cheered up the gang on a dismal day.
Compliments continue. A couple who were last in Sidmouth in the summer were amazed at our progress and thought it now looked brilliant.
A gentleman from Somerset, a regular visitor to Sidmouth, said he makes sure he now visits the Goyle each time as since our efforts it is his favourite location.
Photo by FOGG working party member John Hopkins