This week’s day down the Glen saw another important visitation.
With the full report here from Katie Frost, FOGG working party member:
Eight enthusiastic volunteers were there to greet the RHS Britain in Bloom judges on Thursday. In fact, one of our number had been the day before and cleared the southern entrance to make it beautifully neat in readiness for the visit.
Those who turned up early found a large rotten branch had fallen near the southern entrance by the stream. It had broken bay and rhododendron branches on its way down. All this was cleared up, filling two huge garden bags, before the judges arrived at 10am. A slender holly tree had also been brought down and this was removed later. The dead branch has been left to continue rotting.
After chatting to the volunteers, the visitors were led by Paul Fealey through the Glen. He explained what had been done so far and all the plans for the future. The tree ferns, which had been watered daily throughout the dry periods, and the fernery with the Sidmouth Collection of ferns, were highlighted as important areas of Glen Goyle.
Although the visitors could only be in the Glen for a short while, I’m sure that our enthusiasm, and that of the public who walk through the Glen, was clearly understood.
When they had gone, we continued clearing and tidying the pathways, plus the area at the top of the lawn, resulting in four bags that need to be emptied.
And a very cheery photo of the judges, also by Katie:
With more photos from FOGG working party member Thomas Hasler here: Britain in Bloom visits the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle