The volunteers have been busy again along the Glen – with this week’s report from FOGG working party member Phil Lee:
Another dry and sunny morning (we are being lucky at the moment), so the main job of the day was to start to get rid of the massive pile that has been dumped in the corner of the lawn area.
Paul [Fealey, EDDC Horticultural Officer] joined us with a cutter, and between us all, we packed six dumpy bags ready for collection by EDDC, sorted larger items that will need sawing up or chipping (and agreed to form some bug-hotels around the site), and cut a lot of the remaining stuff into ‘bag size’ bits. A second or maybe third morning will clear it. We will then try to keep on top of it.
We also cut back some of the laurel – at the Seafield Road link – which seems to do so well, but can dominate other plants.
And we had a look at the jobs that we can now get on with on the riverside section, including more pruning, and lots of weeding.
The new plants, in the main, look very health, despite the dry weather. John H has been doing some watering, so thanks John, good work.
Photo: John Hopkins, member of FOGG volunteer working party