FOGG Working Party volunteer Katie Frost reports from the weekly Thursday morning session:
As I arrived at 10am, a pair of robins was making a terrible noise with their alarm calls. Looking for the cause of the commotion, I saw a fox slinking along the bank with the robins’ nest, and the eggs, in its mouth. He disappeared into a hole in the bank: certainly nature red in tooth and claw.
Four of us enjoyed the spring sunshine in the Glen this morning. Since the bags of cuttings had been emptied, these were refilled before any further tasks were tackled. The bamboo by the stream near the Manor Road entrance was then the main focus.
It was lovely to hear a wide range of spring birdsong: goldcrest, chiffchaff, long-tailed tit, wren, robin, chaffinch, blackcap, blue tit, song thrush, great tit, wood pigeon, goldfinch.
With some fabulous photos from Katie from the day: