Today was the big day – with visits from both the RHS and the DWT – as anticipated with a fair amount of excitement:
Important day for Glen Goyle – Vision Group for Sidmouth
It did mean that the working party spent the previous week in preparations:
4th July 2024 – Friends of Glen Goyle
And so there was not much ‘working’ as such by volunteers – as they were too busy showing around their guests.
The following reports come from FOGG member John McGregor.
The day started with the visit from the RHS Britain in Bloom judge Camilla, who seemed very impressed with all that’s happening in Glen Goyle. [Unfortunately, the other judge was unwell and couldn’t attend.]
The hosts walked through the Glen, pointing out improvements and answering questions.
Paul Fealy, EDDC horticultural officer, was part of the entourage – with photos to show of ‘before and after’ scenes.
As well as an ‘In Your Neighbourhood’ award, FOGG was also being entered for ‘Parks and Gardens’.
This means that the lawn area becomes really important. The idea is restoring it to nearer the quality when it was Asherton’s picnic, play and croquet lawn – because FOGG wants to enable family gatherings, including residents of Fourways Care Home (opposite) – hence a public entrance where the double gates are (currently used only by contractors). Paul would start a lawn restoration programme in the Autumn.
Also mentioned was the bringing in of new benches (including a memorial bench), the reconstruction of walkways, ‘The Fernery’ (the recreation of the Peter Orlando Hutchinson long lost one), considerable planting already done (50 varieties) and an application to a local Trust Fund for the purchase of further plants.
Here’s last year’s visit:
Britain in Bloom visits the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle
And the day concluded with the visit from Katie Wilkinson of the DWT – with a second report here from John:
The Devon Wildlife Trust visits “the wonderful Glen Goyle” – Friends of Glen Goyle