Dapple along the Glen

The weather has been very mixed this year – with today’s working party not working this morning as the cold and rain has not been exactly conducive. However, a couple of days ago, on Monday 22nd July, FOGG working party member John McGregor was out […]

A recent tour of Asherton Gardens

Brother and sister David and Pat Bassett used to visit their grandfather’s house quite regularly as children – and they have provided a wealth of memories, photographs and research on an area which makes up much of today’s Glen Goyle: Asherton House – Friends of […]

First swifts along the Glen

It seems that the opening up of Glen Goyle and the encouragement of greater diversity of flora has meant there is more insect life along this green/blue corridor in the centre of town. FOGG working party member Phil Lee reports on the latest work by […]

Filling in potholes along the Glen

There have been issues around ‘infrastructure’ – including paths: Planning ahead for early 2024 down the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle As reported in March:The engineering department is very aware of both the trip hazards and the potholes – and will be attending to […]