First swifts along the Glen

It seems that the opening up of Glen Goyle and the encouragement of greater diversity of flora has meant there is more insect life along this green/blue corridor in the centre of town.

FOGG working party member Phil Lee reports on the latest work by volunteers:

Last Thursday, with the sun shining and little chance of rain, five volunteers set about weeding and generally tidying up, on the public footpath riverside walk. The area has fared pretty well. Most of the planting from previous years is thriving, and weeding and controlling brambles and ivy, where necessary, was easy. We opened up a few small areas on the boundary bank above the raised beds, to allow a bit more sunlight in, and to offer glimpses of the mature planting behind, particularly the flowering rhododendrons, giving the vista an extra dimension in these places.

We saw our first swifts of the year, and chatted about foxes and badgers (both found in Glen Goyle) with passers-by.

9th May 2024 – Friends of Glen Goyle

Swifts are having a hard time – as is being reported:

Swifts need two things. Safe, dry, nest holes high up on walls and lots of flying insects to eat – but both are in decreasing supply.

Swifts need more nest boxes but that alone won’t be enough – here’s why

Next month we celebrate the bird:

Swift Awareness Week

And perhaps by the end of June and into July we can hope to see a few more in the skies above Glen Goyle – thanks to the increase in insect numbers:

Common Swift – Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on