A recent tour of Asherton Gardens

Brother and sister David and Pat Bassett used to visit their grandfather’s house quite regularly as children – and they have provided a wealth of memories, photographs and research on an area which makes up much of today’s Glen Goyle:

Asherton House – Friends of Glen Goyle

They have sent in a whole new raft of pictures from the 1960s, which have now been posted:

Asherton House and Asherton Gardens – Friends of Glen Goyle

David and Pat pay the Glen (aka Asherton Gardens) regular visits throughout the year – and were down only last week to see how things are progressing.

On their previous visit in March this year, they put together a charming collage of photographs of the work the FOGG working party have been doing – together with their own reminiscences giving it all some fascinating context.

Here they are! And see what you can recognise!

Thank you again to David and Pat for their support, encouragement and sponsoring of the FOGG project.

Look forward to seeing you again soon!