Filling in potholes along the Glen

There have been issues around ‘infrastructure’ – including paths:

Planning ahead for early 2024 down the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle

As reported in March:The engineering department is very aware of both the trip hazards and the potholes – and will be attending to these issue very shortly. As for longer-term plans for an access path from Glen Road across the top of the Lawn, these are also with the District Council engineers.

Infrastructure along the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle

Since then, there has been some further movement – as reported by FOGG member John McGregor, who sends in this shot of the main path along the stream having been tended to with some much needed tarmac:

In the meantime, there was a meeting held at the Glen during last week’s working party session, with senior Streetscene officers and the District ward member for the Glen. And commitments were made to take to the engineering department both the ‘trip hazards’ along the current paths and the proposals for new access paths.

Watch this space…