The FOGG volunteer working party held a site meeting with EDDC Horticultural Officer Paul Fealey at its regular Thursday morning session on 18th January – to plan ahead a little.
[Lovely photos taken along the Glen by Katie Frost and Phil Lee recently…]
And what was decided on at that session for the next months was:
Moving/replacing the bin at the top entrance; repairing the fences; getting our three new signs up: EDDC officers to be contacted.
Trees: whilst the council’s tree surgeon is waiting for more staff to help to take down several trees, especially in the large remaining bed, he will be contacted to discuss taking down old and intrusive trees.
Paths, especially pot-holes and roots: the ‘engineering dept’ will be contacted to discuss.
A new path across the top of the lawn: councillors to be contacted, following up draft plans.
Benches: we need two at 180cm for the alcoves; and there has been a request for a memorial bench, probably on the lawn.
The lawn: we would like the grass area to be cut in line with other grass areas in the council’s parks & gardens.
The mulch pile to go on beds over time.
The remaining funds from the donation to be spent on shrubs.
Funding for further planting, eg tree ferns/palms, and information/interpretation boards: information to be gathered to create a funding bid.
Volunteer jobs for the next weeks are to be listed by Paul.
A wildlife survey and report is to be looked into for the site.
Involving other groups…
In the meantime, representatives from the FOGG working party will be taking part in a Vision Group for Sidmouth coordination meeting very soon.
Will be keeping you posted!