The Parks and Open Spaces Improvement Officer along the Glen

The District Council’s horticultural technical officer Paul Fealey has worked with members of the FOGG working party since it was set up in the late spring of 2022

First working party has met along the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle

His expertise and experience has guided the FOGG folk over the weeks since:

Mentoring for FOGG volunteers – thanks to the District Council – Friends of Glen Goyle

He has now been joined by a new Parks and Gardens colleague, Louise Baker, whose role is Parks and Open Spaces Improvement Officer – forming a team which will deal with the District’s green spaces:

Parks and Open Spaces Improvement Officer |

Louise has accompanied Paul a couple of times now to Glen Goyle – and here she is hard at work with FOGG working party member Sandra:

Is it the dreaded Three-Cornered Leek they are seeing to…?

Tackling Three Cornered Leek down the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle

Or are they seeing to the Fernery in the raised bed?

Ferns in Glen Goyle: planting more… – Friends of Glen Goyle