Phil Lee, founding member of the Friends of Glen Goyle, reports on the first working party of the Friends of Glen Goyle – who met up on the morning of Thursday 9th June:
“This morning went very well with about a dozen volunteers turning up during the session.
“We walked about fifty metres into the Goyle. Paul [Fealey, EDDC Horticultural Technical Officer] gave us a good insight into pruning, what to remove, and what to keep, and what to cut back and by how much. And described the environment, and what we can grow in it. Very interesting. It worked, as I sensed that people really enjoyed the educational introduction, as it then made the work much more meaningful. We then started ‘work’ by clearing areas for planting, and generally removing brambles and the like. Paul provided some suitable plants, which we planted out.
“Paul said that he could usually attend on a fortnightly basis, and it was agreed that volunteers could attend weekly. When Paul isn’t with us, we can finish off tasks commenced, and new ones given to us the week before.
“It was understood that we should have no electric or mechanical tools. And volunteers should bring their own equipment, if they have any, particularly on Paul-free days. We discussed where it was safe to work, away from banks dropping into the river. Paul said that if there was any work in in-accessible areas, or at high-level, or if best done using mechanical or electric tools, he would get his team to do it.
“We will leave piles of debris in designated spots (off the path) and Paul’s team will collect and dispose.
“So, a very good start. A big thank-you to Paul for setting us off in the right direction. We meet again next Thursday at 10am.”
Photo: Paul Fealey, EDDC Horticultural Technical Officer
With more information here:
Working Party – Friends of Glen Goyle
Weekly Jobs for FOGG Volunteers – Friends of Glen Goyle
And some great photos here:
Working Party photos: 9th June 2022 – Friends of Glen Goyle