There is some ‘urgency’ about this latest newsletter…
Firstly, we are cancelling tomorrow’s (Thursday 2nd November) session of the FOGG working party at the Glen because of the impending storm.
As EDDC horticultural officer Paul Fealey says: “I (and all EDDC staff) have been heavily advised to work from home tomorrow so that we are not at risk when driving. In that case it will be a very real risk to work under the mature trees at Glen Goyle. I will work from home, but I also feel that there shouldn’t be any volunteers present tomorrow – but I will leave this with the Vision Group.” Thank you to Paul for that message.
Secondly, we are ‘calling all volunteers’ for the following week’s session (Thursday 9th November) to complete the planting of the southern section of the Glen.
Paul has worked with FOGG working party members to put together a list of plants to ‘fill the gaps’ and finish the beds along the brook for the autumn planting season – and the Friends of Glen Goyle are indeed very grateful for such a generous provision of bedding plants from the District Council.
But planting needs planters! So, if you have a moment on the morning of Thursday 9th, do pop along with gardening gloves (and waterproof!) to help dig in some fine specimens.
And accompanying you (although maybe not actually ‘digging’) will be EDDC Cllr Ian Barlow (Sidmouth ward member – and also chair of the town council’s environment cttee) and Cllr Geoff Jung (District portfolio holder for the environment). Great that they’ll be able to see what we get up to along the Glen – and here’s looking forward to some good conversations in a week’s time.
Finally, there’s been lots happening since the last newsletter – including the planting of lots of bulbs, again courtesy of the District Council. And the presenting of a Britain in Bloom award to the Friends of Glen Goyle: congratulations all! Here it is:
Look forward to seeing you some time on the morning of Thursday week!
Thank you for your support!