Friends of Glen Goyle – January 2023 Questionnaire

At the start of the year, the Friends of Glen Goyle is looking to how to plan for 2023 – built on the hugely successful work undertaken in 2022. That has given us a solid framework to build on – having got to know the lie of the land through both archival work and hard graft on the ground.

We now need to determine how to proceed – and would very much appreciate your own input, based on your understanding and experience of the Glen. This will be crucial in creating some sort of plan which we will be able to use not only to map out planting and infrastructure, but to approach funding bodies to make this happen.

Please fill in the survey available to download as a Word doc: Friends of Glen Goyle – January 2023 Questionnaire.doc

Or as a pdf: Friends of Glen Goyle – January 2023 Questionnaire.pdf

You can return it either electronically to or bring it along to the next Thursday morning working party somewhere along the Glen where someone can take it off you.

Or you can fill in the survey at Google Forms and just click the send button! Friends of Glen Goyle – January 2023 Questionnaire

Finally, if you’d like some reminders or inspiration or further information, there is a lot on the website: just click on any of the tabs above.

Thank you very much!

The FOGG team