This month marks a year since the FOGG volunteer party was set up and started its work.
Here’s an appraisal from longstanding FOGG working party member Phil Lee:
Last Thursday marked twelve months of our Thursday volunteering group. It’s hard to believe that we’ve had some presence in Glen Goyle almost every Thursday since. A big thank you to all that turn up, whether it’s most weeks, occasionally, and whether for one hour or two. It’s a super group of people.
Over 200 litres of stream water were used, specifically for the plants that have been planted in the last twelve months, and also the tree ferns/palms, which are so much healthier this year than last. The plants in the raised beds and banks along the river walk will need this help until the rains return, but hopefully we won’t lose any. Further planting has, by consensus, been postponed. But we are excited to have a plant, and funds, ready and waiting.
Last year, the volunteers were mainly involved in saving the park from being taken over by brambles, ivy, bamboos, and a few other species, which had reduced the biodiversity of the area to just a few dominate species. This year, the light is penetrating through the canopy, existing plants are doing do much better, and new ground cover planting has a chance.
And we need, in my opinion, to be reviving our plans for improvement and enhancement of the infrastructure.
And here’s a set of wonderful photos just sent in of the FOGG’s signature plant – the Chilean Lantern Tree – courtesy of FOGG volunteer John Hopkins and his back garden:
Funnily enough we have a mature Chilean Lantern tree in our garden too. 4-5m high
And to compare, here’s the logo, designed by VGS webmaster Mary Walden-Till: