Plastic Warriors busy along the Glen

The Thursday morning volunteers have been picking up a fair amount of rubbish in the undergrowth – including lots of plastic:

Finding rubbish amongst the brambles and ivy – Friends of Glen Goyle

But before the working party was formed this June, the stalwarts from the Sidmouth Plastic Warriors had been very busy picking up other people’s debris.

Here are a couple of postings from over the last years:

Sidmouth Plastic Warriors | Facebook

And as Rachel Perren said back in September 2018:

photo by Rachel Perram

I can’t help feeling really sad that due to the neglect by the councils over the past couple of years, this little park is in a sorry state. It has become a place for young people to come, smoke dope and wreck the place. Weeds everywhere, 2 benches smashed this year and railings dangerous and rotten. Sad times.

Sidmouth Plastic Warriors | Glen Goyle and surrounds done this morning | Facebook

Rachel (now a Councillor) has been in touch with FOGG – and has been really encouraging – with this post from yesterday:

SIDMOUTH community for the people | A big shout out to the team of volunteers working to renovate Glen Goyle | Facebook 

Let’s hope we can improve the state of this little park over the coming months!
