The word of the moment is ‘epicormic’ along Glen Goyle:
“Epicormic sprouts, also known as “suckers” or “water sprouts”, are growth that emerge from dormant buds along the trunk and branches of a tree. Some species of tree produce a large quantity of these sprouts such as a Live oak, whereas others such as a Sycamore will produce comparatively very few.”
Epicormic sprouts and their role in the health of the tree – Tree Weaver
The problem for Glen Goyle is the over-preponderance of these sprouts at ground level. And so, by cutting them back, this will open up the areas below to sunlight and will allow the trees to re-invigorate – as last week’s report points out:
21st July 2021 – Friends of Glen Goyle
Epicormic growth is not a ‘bad thing’ in itself, as it shows a healthy, vigorous tree at work, as this piece ‘in defence’ of the sucker points out:
The Epicormic Conspiracy – Tree Care Industry Magazine
In the end, though, the Glen desperately needs cutting back – to give struggling trees and shrubs more space and air and sunlight.
It’s this knowledge of how the plants are working in the Glen which is being imparted by EDDC horticulturalist Paul Fealey – all to good effect and most appreciated by the volunteers at the working party!
Mentoring for FOGG volunteers – thanks to the District Council – Friends of Glen Goyle