There’s a huge amount of interest in fungi – and this time of year is the best time to go looking.
One of the Science Festival’s most over-booked events last month was Michael Jordan of the Fungus Conservation Trust leading a field session around the woodland and meadows on Soldiers Hill, Salcombe Regis. FULLY BOOKED: Fungi identification hunt! | Sidmouth Science Festival
With a report and pictures just out here: (3) Sid Valley Biodiversity Group | Fungi list from Peak Hill pastures courtesy of Michael Jordan from the Fungus Conservation Trust who led a U3A group last Wednesday | Facebook
In fact, the Sid Valley Biodiversity Group’s social media pages have been full of fungal finds – with a page here on their website: Welcome To Fungus Valley – Sid Valley Biodiversity Group
And there have been some fine specimens spotted down Glen Goyle this month by FOGG members John McGregor (photo 1) and Katie Frost (photos 2, 3 and 4):