Helping to restore a magical Victorian glen

In early June 2021 things were growing well in Glen Goyle, including the nettles and brambles! As can be seen in the photo below. And as commented at the time: “Some are too close to the path and will need to be moved or removed but we mustn’t forget their importance for wildlife.”

And next month, in early June 2022, the first working party will be meeting to start sensitively dealing with much of the overgrowth – guided by EDDC’s Horticultural Technical Officer, Paul Fealey.

More details later – but do get in touch if you’d like to not only help restore a magical Victorian glen, but learn a thing or two about plants from Paul, who is keen to share his enthusiasm and horticultural knowledge.

Contact or go to

Pendulous Sedge

copyright: Ed Dolphin

2021, early June – Friends of Glen Goyle