A great day was had by all at the Arboretum’s celebration – including members of FOGG staffing the stall in the Cellar Bar.
As one of the team reported:
Certainly in the first two hours that I was there, the Arboretum event yesterday was successful. We had a number of people interested in what we are up to, and a few names were added to our ‘mailing list’. And, of course, it was good to look around at what others are up to.
And another:
As regards the event, I had a few conversations with various folks during the afternoon session and I’d suggest that the more we are all in touch with each other the better.
This is what we call good networking!
Here’s a final comment from a FOGG member:
A lot of people do not know that Glen Goyle is there. There wasn’t much point whilst it was overgrown and unattractive, but with the transformation that has been achieved, it is now well worth a visit. Without going over the top, it is now a small tourist attraction, which it certainly wasn’t.
And here’s the report from the Herald form the day:
Sidmouth Arboretum Celebration of Trees hailed a success | Sidmouth Herald
Finally, pictured is the banner sported at the FOGG stall.