The gardens of Glen Goyle have a long and interesting history:
History of Glen Goyle – Friends of Glen Goyle
And gardens and history are very much attached to the house which stood just to the north of today’s park:
Asherton House – Friends of Glen Goyle
David and Pat Bassett, grandchildren of the last resident of the house, have written about their grandfather Dr Bertram Cohen:
Asherton House: Dr Bertram Cohen – Friends of Glen Goyle
They have also recounted tales of long holidays at the house and in the gardens – providing a wonderfully evocative picture of happy times in a very magical corner of the Sid Valley during the 1950s and ’60s:
Asherton House: memories of holidays in Sidmouth – Friends of Glen Goyle
Here’s the house and its immediate gardens, taken in the 1950s:
Asherton House – Friends of Glen Goyle