The topographical and historic connections around Glen Goyle are fascinating.
To paraphrase a recent posting on one of the water courses that run through the Glen:
The second brook that appears as a waterfall just above the bridge at Glen Goyle… runs through the gardens of Convent Fields and Convent Road, appearing in an open ditch in Cotmaton Road by Cheese Lane. Then dropping into a manhole, going underground… with the main flow finishing up in the Goyle.
Convent Brook flowing into Bickwell Stream along the Glen – Friends of Glen Goyle
Here is a further report looking at where the Convent Brook appears on Cotmaton Road – as related, once again, by FOGG member John Hopkins:
The ancient water fountain in Cotmaton Road a bit further down from the open channel, which I have always thought likely was once fed from that source.
Here’s a photo from 2017 by Jaggery of that fountain:

Grade II listed former drinking fountain, Cotmaton Road, Sidmouth. Erected in 1850. Grade II listed in 1973. In 2017 the stonework is very weathered.
Grade II listed former drinking… © Jaggery :: Geograph Britain and Ireland
With more from the Historic England site:
DRINKING FOUNTAIN, Sidmouth – 1097964 | Historic England